JenIsis, My Higher Self

Before I had started mentorship therapy with an online program, I had received the message my higher self was JenIsis. Our first step was fully activating and embodying this energy into my body. 

“She entered from behind on my left side. Big, swirling, earthy and ethereal she danced into my body upon request. Green, brown, yellow and gold with hints of every color in swirling leaves is her dress with a crown of shimmering white rainbow hues. One eye sits on her forehead and as we merge her one eye becomes my two. As she drops down into my body she starts doing somersaults and is giddy with the conscious merging. I feel her say “finally”! 

I can still feel this today, this exquisite recognition of my true self and the power propelling me forward. I am JenIsis! So now you know what my soul looks like. I encourage you to do this meditation and paint your soul. Knowing Thyself is the greatest gift! Your journey will skyrocket from here.

Remember to seek support if any of this scares you. It can be BIG and feel overwhelming so a guide is recommended. Always ask for protection and for just what you can handle in each moment. You are divinely loved and protected at all times.

I have to say, I love myself more each time I look at this magnificent creature!

“She who Dances with the Wind”


If you would like a guided journey to remember your higher self just reach out!




The Dogma Wars